Contoh Teks Eksposisi dalam Bahasa Inggris "The Disadvantages of Cheating"

The Disadvantages of Cheating

Nowadays, cheating look like culture in educational environment. Like copy paste task, bring small note and make hand signal to ask the answer in exam. I personally agree that cheating is a very disadvantageous culture in our education path.  Why do I say so? Let’s check it out!
Firstly, by cheating you just show that you are not confident to yourself. If you are confident, you will do your task/exercise alone. Because you are not afraid to make mistakesWhatever the result, you will accept that. So, by cheating you just develop a less self confident and the danger is, it will spread in other direction, such bad mental, etc.
          Secondly, by cheating it will create dependence. If you cheat once then you may hard to stop cheat. If you cheat and there are someone to be cheated, you will not study and will feel calm. Whereas, there are some of your friends who study hard to get the best score. In this matter, you are as same as do fraudulent thing and hurt your friends’ feeling.
          As well as we all know, if you are cheating, you do not answer the exercise with your brain, with yourself. Then you will never use your mind and intellectual also never develop it. You just bury your ability, it will cause you to never know how far your ability.
          By cheating you just create lazy attitude. We all know that brain is control all of our activity. As often as you are cheating, as often as you are not use your brain. It can learn your brain not to work, so your brain habitual not to work. You will lazy and after that you will be stupid.
Again, cheating activity creates an unfair education environment between the lazy cheating student and non-cheating studentThe lazy cheating student can reach good mark, but non-cheating student is not good as cheaters, although they have work honestly. Who know that the cheater can answer or not, however they have good mark. And furthermore, teachers cannot distinguish between cheating students and non-cheating students. Therefore, they cannot understand accurately each student to cultivate their special competences. And it make student just focus in result  not focus of understanding the knowledge.
And the worst disadvantage, cheating is the seed of corruption culture. Cheating is miniature of corruption because cheating draws dishonestly, lie to everyone, gets something with bad way, selfish, etc. Absolutely, both of them just make bad effect to others.
Finally, you know that cheating culture has many disadvantages in our life. Maybe now the cheaters can feel happy but in the future, they will be suffered. Who knows.


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