Contoh Teks Drama / Dialog dalam Bahasa Inggris tentang Sekolah

            Once upon a time, students of XII MIA C are busy studying for Final Exam (a.k.a. UN)
A + B  : *Studying for UN*
Meme  : “Hi Ca, do you have any spare time? Come with me to the mall after school.”
B         : “Wow C, how can you be so calm when UN is in front of our eyes now?”
Meme  : “Haha, don’t worry about that, we’ll definitely graduate.”
A         : “But, only graduating is not enough C! We need good grades at UN and we must study hard for SBMPTN”
D         : “UN is a piece of cake, there are many answer keys for UN”
A         : “Whats wrong with You two Guys? If You do that, it is the same as stealing”
D         : “What should We do then? We only need good grades at UN right?”
B         : “But You should get good grades with your own hard work, not because of answer keys!”
Meme  : “It’s all up to me, guys!” (leaving)
A         : “Using your own brain will give you more proud of yourself than using answer keys”
D         : “Like I care, as long as my grades are good, I dont care.” (leaving)
B         : “Just leave them, you shouldn’t have gave them any advices, it’s useless. At least we have said what we have to say”
A         : “Dont be like that, we cant leave them like that. Every student must be honest at doing test”
                        Day by day, Yeni and Ica keep advise Meme and Habib to study for Final Exam a.k.a UN. And today, something good happen between them.
Meme  : “Hi Ca, can you help me to solve this question?”
B         : “Me? Owh I’m glad to see you study. To solve this question, you need to do like this.”
Meme  : “Wow, it’s easy when you know what to do. Thank you Ica.”
A         : “Yeah, as long as we study, it’s easy”
D         : “Haah.. Impossible.” (passed by)
When the UN has been finished and announced, A B and C got good grades, while D must attend the re-UN because of her answer keys are wrong.
D         : *crying*
Meme  : “Habib, what’s wrong with you?”
D         : “My grades are bad Me! How can I get accepted at SNMPTN if my grades are like this?”
B         : “What did I told you back then? You should’ve followed our advices. You should’ve studied well!”
A         : “Dont mind that. There’s still SBMPTN, dont lose your spirit now!”
D         : “But, it’s difficult, and I dont know any of those lessons.”
B         : “You have us”
Meme  : “We can study together!”
A         : “Yeah, lets study together”
D         : “Thank you, you are so kind my friends”
A B C D accepted at university
A         : “Wow I passed the test!
B         : “Yeah, me too!”
Meme  : “And I am accepted at my favorite university!”
D         : “Congratulations, all of you are great!”
A         : “How about you?”
D         : “I still not check it, I’m afraid that I will fail”
B         : “Dont be so pessimistic”
Meme  : “Yeah, you must be confidence to yourself”
A         : “Lets check it together”
D         : “Okay, but I wont open my eyes”
B         : “Hey D! You passed the test!”
Meme  : “Congratulations Habib!”
D         : “Really?”
A         : “Yeah!”
D         : “Oh its right! Thanks guys!”
B         : “That’s why you must have high selfconfidence D!”
A         : “If you want to be success, you should not do the same mistake like you did before!”
D         : “Hahaha, okay I promise that I wont do it again! Thanks guys!”


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