Contoh Teks Drama Bahasa Inggris tentang Invitation

Group 8 XI MIA C:
Dhea Rohmawati                    (06)
El Medina Aulia Putri             (08)
Haikal Zaidan Nauval             (11)
Ratna Kuatiningsari                (25)

Scene 1
In the living room, there are 3 close friends who are busy to handle wedding invitation.
Dhea    : “Alhamdulillah..I don’t expect that you will marry soon.”
Haikal  : Alhamdullilah, if it has mate will surely meet.”
Ratna   : hehehe…eh,Kal.
Haikal  : “Don’t call me ‘Kal’, just call me‘Mas’”
Dhea    : “Ouchso sweet!”
Ratna   : “Okay, Mas, is there something wrong in this wedding invitation? Maybe like a typo?”
Haikal : “Wait, I’ll check it first. Our name, the date, time, and place, eehhmmm.. I think everything is correct.”
Dhea   : “It’s alright, Na. I like the wedding invitation. Its color is nice and its design is beautiful.”
Ratna   : “Alhamdulillah.. Nothing is wrong.”
Dhea    : “Oh, Na. Who will be invited by us?”
Ratna   : “Ehmm.. I almost forgot that. Wait, I will take the guest list.”
Haikal  : “Na, I have bought a plastic for our wedding invitation. Here it is!”
Ratna   : “Okay…I think its good. I will take the guest list in the room. Wait a moment, please.”
Dhea    : “Oke.”

Ratna takes the guest list
Ratna   : “Jeng jeng.. This is it!”
Dhea    : “Wow, you will invite 1000 guests? Who are they?”
Ratna   : “Of course, insya Allah I will invite my families, co-workers, high school friends, collage friends, and...”
Haikal  : “Also my big families, co-workers, and college friends.”
Dhea    : “Wow... this marriage will be fantastic! I can’t wait for that day.”
Ratna   : I hope so.”
Haikal  : “Okay, now we will write the guest list on the invitation.”
Dhea & Ratna : “Okay, let’s go!”
Ratna   : “I will write the name, Dhea will stick it on the invitation, and Mas Haikal will insert the invitation in the plastic. A-yo, guys!”

All of them are writting the guest list...
Dhea    : Woohh.. Is it Jaya? Our friend when we’re in high school, right?”
Haikal : “Oh, I see, Jaya who used to love playing laptop and... his face turn like his laptop, right?”
Ratna   : “Haha... you’re right. I don’t expect you are still remember him.”
Dhea    : “Oh Ratna... I almost forgot! How about Meme? I heard she was in out of town.”
Ranta   : “In out of town? Really? For what?”
Haikal  : “Based on the information which I got yesterday, she had a project in out of town.”
Ranta   : “When will she go back?”
Haikal  : “I don’t know when.”
Ratna   : “Oh God… I’m afraid she can’t not attend my wedding.”
Dhea    : I think so, but if she doesn’t attend, it feel like our friendship incomplete.”
Ratna   : “Yes, you’re right. What then?”
Haikal  : “How if we call her?”
Dhea    : “ That’s a good idea!”

Taking a telephone...
Ratna   : “Hello, Assalamu’alaykum.”
Meme  : “Wa’alaykumsalam. Who is this?”
Ratan   : “This is me, Ratna. There are Haikal and Dhea too here.”
Meme  : “Ooh Ratna… How are you, Ratna? How are you, guys there?”
Ratna   : “Alhamdulillah, I’m good.”
Dhea    : “We are good too.”
Meme  : “Oh, alhamdulillah. What happened, guys?”
Dhea    : “Meme, don’t you know, we have a great news.”
Meme  : “Oh ya? What’s that? I’m curious!”
Dhea    : “Ratna and Haikal will marry soon!”

Ratna, Dhea, and Haikal laugh together...
Meme  : ………
Ratna   : “Halo Meme?”
Haikal  : “Halo Meme, are you there?”
Meme  : “Oh sorry guys. Em, are you serious?
Ratna   : “Yes, we’re serious. Our wedding is planned to be held 2 weeks again. Can you attend it?”
Dhea    : “Please come, Meme. We’re a good friends. So, you have to attend it.”
Haikal  : “We hope that your work is not a barrier for not attend our wedding party.”
Ratna   : “Yeah, I hope so. Then, how about it, Meme? You will attend, right?”
Meme  : Ehmm… Sorry guys, I don’t know if I can attend or not.”
Dhea    : “What? Why?
Meme  : “Ehmmm....”
Ratna   : “Me, are you not happy to see us get married?”
Meme  :……………
Dhea    : “Hello Me…?”
Haikal  : “Me… Are you there?
Meme  : “Sorry guys, the signal is not good here. I have said if I can’t attend your wedding party.”
Ratna   : “Okay, I will go to your house now!”
Meme  : “What? Hey, I’m in work right now.”
Meme  : “Hello? Ratna? Hello?!”

Ratna ask for leave to Haikal and Dhea.
Ratna   : “I have to meet Meme for asking why she get so difficult to come to our wedding party. We’re a good friends. So, how could she prefer to work?”
Haikal  : “Keep calm, Na. Maybe, we have let her decision.”
Ratna   : “No, it can’t be like that! I will still go.”
Dhea    : “Nana, don’t be like that, please. What if something happen to you? Remember you will get married.”
Ratna   : “I have to talk something with Meme. Not usual her like that. Something wrong with her.”
Haikal & Dhea : “Be careful, Na!”
Ratna   : “Okay.”

Scene 2
Ratna leaves her home. She goes to Meme’s house by car. At Meme’s house....
Ratna  : “Assalamu’alaykum, Meme.”
Meme : “Wa’alaykumsalam. Wait a moment, please.”
             “Oh, Ratna. Finally you really go to my home. What’s up, Na?”
Ratna   : “Can we talk inside your house?”
Meme  : “Ah, sorry, I forget let you in. By the way, why do you turn off your phone earlier?”
Ratna   : “You know, I’m hurry to go to your house, Me. Oh, here it is.”
Meme  : “Oh, this is your wedding invitation, right? Look pretty.”
Ratna   : “Thanks.”
Meme  : “Wow, you look so pretty and Haikal look so handsome. Both of you are match. I’m happy to see it.”
Ratna   : “Our wedding will be held in 2 days. First we hold the marriage ceremony in Agung Mosque. Then, we hold the party in the next day at Islamic Center Building. If you really busy, just come on one of the weddings, please.”
Meme  : “.......”
Ratna   : “Please, Me. We’re still a good friend, right?”
Meme  : “Okay, I’ll come.”
Ratna   : “Thank you, Meme! I will wait you on that day! Mm, I will go home now. Wassalamu’alaykum.”
Meme  : “Wa’alaykumsalam.”

Scene 3
During the trip, something bad happen to Ratna. She get an accident and people bring her to a nearest hospital. After hearing this bad news, Meme go to the hospital first. Then Haikal and Dhea follow.
Haikal & Dhea : “Ratna!!!”
Haikal   : “Ratna, don’t leave me!”
Dhea     : “Ratna, you must survive for us!”
Ratna     : “Uhuk uhuk... I’m sorry guys. Thank you for always being by my side.”
Dhea     : “Please, say something Me.”
Meme   : “.....”
Ratna   : “Meme, I know, actually you love Haikal, right?”
Meme  : “Nope.”
Ratna   : “Don’t lie, Me. Mas Haikal, Meme actually loves you. So, you better marry her. I’m alright, Mas.”
Haikal   : “Nope! I will keep marry you, Na. Not Meme!”
Ratna   : “Please, do that for me, Mas.”
Haikal & Dhea : “Ratnaaaaa!!!”



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