Contoh Teks Biografi dalam Bahasa Inggris "Tri Rismaharini"

 Tri Rismaharini


Tri Rismaharini is the first female mayor of Surabaya city who was elected directly in the 2010 mayor election with her running mate Bambang Dwi Hartono. She was born on November 20th 1961 in Kediri, East Java, Indonesia.
Tri Rismaharini got her elementary education in State Elementary School Kediri and graduated in 1973. Then she moved on to receive her high-school education at State Junior High School 10 Surabaya and State Senior High School 5 Surabaya. After she completed her high school education she moved to Sepuluh November Institute of Technology in Surabaya and got an engineering degree.
She began her political career by joining the Indonesian Democratic Party-Struggle (PDIP-P). Then, she was elected in the 2010 Mayor election and became the mayor of Surabaya.
Since Ms Risma became mayor, Surabaya has won a number of awards including the 2012 ASEAN Environmentally Sustainable City Award, the Adipura Kencana, the highest environmental awards in Indonesia from 2011 until 2014, and the 2013 Future Government Awards on Asia Pacific level. Also Bungkul Park which has been renovated by Ms. Risma got The 2013 Asian Townscape Award from United Nations as the best park in Asia. The Mayor herself was named as one of the ten most inspiring women 2013 by Forbes Indonesia and as the 2014 Mayor of the Month in the world. Recently, on March 2015, Ms. Rismaharini was chosen as 50 most influential figures in the world.
Tri Rismaharini's reforms though have wide support in Indonesia . Her policy of closing down brothels has been critized by aid and health care workers as it makes the sex trade dispersed and not disappear. Making prostitution illegal makes many sex workers work in conditions that are more dangerous and unregulated and therefore more at risk from diseases. Her latest test is to save Surabaya Zoo, where poor management has caused the death of scores of animals over the past two years. Business people have proposed converting the zoo’s land into a hotel and restaurant, but she has rejected the plan, arguing that the zoo is the icon and pride of the city. Also Ms. Risma was active in rejuvenating the city’s parks and turning many derelict plots into green spaces. As part of her package of social reforms, the Mayor has introduced free education and health care for the poorer sections of her community.


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