Dialogue About Starting, Extending, and Ending Telephone Conversations or Talk

Kriiiingg.. Kriiiiinggg...
Lizzy   : “Assalamualaikum..”
Raina   : “Walaikumsalam..”
Lizzy   : “May I speak to Raina, please?”
Raina   : “Yes, I am Raina.. Who is there?”
Lizzy   : “You can guess , Who am I?”
Raina   : “I don’t know. Please tell me..”
Lizzy   : “Huhuhuhu, I am very sad because you forgot me.”
Raina   : “Hmm.. I am sorry but actually I don’t know who are you? Please give me a clue.”
Lizzy     : “OK... At Junior High School, we often spent our time together such as bought a shirt, played with snow in winter,  and visited ski resort.”
Raina     : “Aha.. Are you Lizzy?”
Lizzy     : “Yapp, you’re right.”
Raina     : “Hey, I miss you so much. So long as you don’t give me news since graduate from Junior High School.”
Lizzy     : “Hehehe.. Peace.. A few days after that, I moved to London and study there. I miss you, too.”
Raina     : “Waw.. Great! By the way, you got my new number phone from whom?”
Lizzy     : “I got it from your facebook. ”
Raina     : “Oh ya, How are you? I forgot to ask you about it.”
Lizzy     : “I’m fine, em.. And you?”
Raina     : “Yeah.. I’m fine, too. But the weather in Oxford very cold. I often sneezed.  How about London?”
Lizzy     : “Same as oxford, here was cold. Snows covered the street in front of my house. How are our friends there? I miss them, too. Especially L, Hoya, Victoria, and Nicole.”
Raina     : “L and Hoya be a popular singer and rapper in South Korea. While, Victo be an owner of salon and Nicole be an Basketball athlete.”
Lizzy     : “So cool!!”
Raina     : “Hey, Lizzy.. Yesterday, I got a news from our captain class, Ricky that we have a reunion party in Jay Park.”
Lizzy     : “Waw.. I have to attend that reunion party. Anyway, When it be held?”
Raina     : “It will be held at the beginning of spring. Exactly, I don’t know.”
Lizzy     : “Well, If any news about that reunion party please inform me.”
Raina     : “OK. I’d like to know, what do you do? I hear the disturbance there.”
Lizzy     : “I accompany my young sister to play a game in the mall. I am tired. Huh...”
Raina     : “Be patient with her. Em.. Sorry, I have to go. Momentarily I will attend the piano lesson. Bye”
Lizzy     : “Bye..”


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