Dialogue About Asking and Giving Help and Something, Offering and Refusing Help and Something

Dialogue About
Asking and Giving Help, Offering and Refusing Help, Asking and Giving Something, Offering and Refusing Something .

          In the afternoon IU, Yemi's sweet friend come to Yemi's blue apartment.
IU        : “ Yemi! Yemi! I am IU, your sweet friend! Please open the door! ”
Yemi   : “ Oh, I will open the door, please wait! ”
IU        : “ Hemm... Your wall apartment is blue, your sofa is blue too. You wear a      pair of light blue glove and sapphire blue apron. Your favorit color is      blue, right ? I sniff butter, cream, milk, and ..... Hey!! What do you               make Yemi ? ”
Yemi   : “ Ya, I like blue very much! If you want to know, follow me to my blue        kitchen. Eits, why you come to my blue apartment ? ”
IU        : “ I miss you my good friend! ”
Yemi   : “ Aisshh... Let's follow me! ”

          In the kitchen ....
IU        : “ Waww!!! Yemi, you make a blue cream cake! It for me ? ”
Yemi   : “ No, it's not for you. This blue cream cake for Kyuhyun. Today is his         birthday. “
IU        : “ Oh yeah ? I don't know about this. ”
Yemi   : “ IU, do me a favor, please. I think I can't make it myself and i need              your help, “
IU        : “ Ok. I will help you. What can I do ? ”
Yemi   : “ Please prepare the blue cream. I will take the cake from oven. ”
IU        : “ Finish! Next ? ”
Yemi   : “ Next ? Can you dab blue cream on the cake? I will prepare the                   decoration. ”
          20 minutes again .....
Yemi   : “Yaah.. IU, why you so long dab the blue cream ? Let me help you. ”
IU        : “ No, tanks Yemi. Just one part of cake again, it will finish. ”
Yemi   : “ Ok. I will prepare the birthday box. ”
IU        : “ Finish! Yemi, you can decorate this cake now. ”
Yemi   : “ Yeey!! I like this part! After that, cut the cake. ”
IU        : “ Yemi, I think it very delicious and beauty decoration. ”
Yemi   : “ Thank you for your help IU. ”
IU        : “ Don't mention it. Yemi, may I have a bit ? Actually I like blue cream          cake. ”
Yemi   : “ Sure. I will give you two pieces of blue cream cake. Please wait, I will       put them to my cake box. Here you are. ”
IU        : “ Thank you very much, Yemi! I am happy! You are my good friend! He      he he. “
Yemi   : “ He he he. You are my sweet friend IU! Hey, do you want to follow me       attend the Kyuhyun's Birthday Party in Handel & Gretel Cafe at 7 p.m.?”
IU        : “ Yes, I want to follow you. But pick me up. ”
Yemi   : “ Ok. I will do that. “
IU        : “ Yemi, what time is it ? ”
Yemi   : “ Emm... 03.15 p.m. ”
IU        : “ Ups, I must go home now and don't forget to pick me up! See you! ”
Yemi   : “ See you too! ”

          Handel & Gretel Cafe ....
Yemi & IU : “ Kyuhyun, Happy Birthday! ”
Kyuhyun          : “ Thank you, my friends. Waww! What is it ? Can I open your gift now ? ”
IU          : “ Sure. ”
Kyuhyun          : “ Oh, blue cream cake! I like it! This cake is beauty. Thank you! ”
Yemi     : “ Don't mention it. ”
Kyuhyun          : “ Friends, I have something for you. ”
Yemi                 : “ WHYSTYLE Glasses!!! Waw so cool! But no, thanks. ”
Kyuhyun          : “ Why ? This glasses is very famous. Please accept it. ”
IU          : “ Once again, thank you. ”
Kyuhyun          : “ Ok, if you refuse this glasses, no problem. Oh, my mom is call me. See you! ”
 Yemi & IU : “ See you too, Kyuhyun! ”


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